The Industry Leader in
Identity Management Products

The Industry Leader in Identity Management Products

(800) 688-9202

Secure Credential

We ensure seamless integration with your existing system and coordinate directly with all vendors throughout the build process. Once your secure badging system is operational, our experts provide comprehensive training to empower your team to utilize it to its full potential.


We are especially skilled at working with the card reader manufacturer and the access control integrators. Together, we meet at your facility, via phone/video conference calls, or email — using whatever means necessary to make sure your secure credential card readers and services are up and running smoothly and effectively. 

K&A Industries — your secure ID architects.

Secure ID Services
Seamless System Integration

Our engineering team will collaborate with your access control integrator, third-party system providers, downstream vendors, access card manufacturers, and card issuance printers to implement in-line encoding commands successfully.

User Training & Connections
We prioritize building relationships with the individuals using the system, fostering rapport and familiarity with your service technician so that when the time comes, they know exactly who to call.
Secure Credential & Reader Provisioning
Management You Can Trust

Our job does not end after your secure
ID system is in place. K&A manages your custom keys as your custodian, delivering the secure credential card stock and guaranteeing no duplication of encoded card numbers.

K&A Industries makes the process of
Secure Credential Encryption Keys EASY on you!

Once the hardware is in place... let the TRAINING BEGIN!

K&A Industries makes sure your staff is prepared to start issuing your secure credentials by training your production office staff on the “Dos and Don’ts” of card printers.

Credential security depends on trained personnel who are proficient in using and maintaining your ID card printers. We have decades of experience in the Secure ID field, and provide expert card printer training to your staff beyond the how-to materials provided by the printer manufacturer. As part of our White Glove Service, K&A Industries will ensure your staff are well equipped to handle your in-house badging initiative.

Training from K&A Industries includes:

We don’t just sell Card Printers – We help them THRIVE!

From initial sales and supplies to setup and configuration, to ongoing maintenance and support, K&A Industries is your reliable partner, ensuring your ID Card Printer not only endures but also thrives throughout its lifespan.

New Printers  |  Diagnosing  |  Maintenance

Multiple ID Card Printers

Ask us about our card printer maintenance contracts!
