The Industry Leader in
Identity Management Products

The Industry Leader in Identity Management Products

(800) 688-9202

Access Control Cards & Credentials

Looking for the best in logical access security?

Crescendo 2300 access card series

Looking for the best in logical access security?

HID’s Crescendo Smart Card Series provides one card that works within all of your established physical access control framework while providing unparalleled security for logical access.

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ID Cards & Credentials from K&A — We do ID right!

TECHNOLOGY TYPESSmart Card | Proximity | Mag Stripe

Smart Card 
K&A proudly offers the best in smart card technology from HID® and DESFire®, while also stocking common last-generation and legacy tech to support migrating enterprises. Find security standard with access control from K&A!

Whether your staying with low-frequency proximity technology or looking for cost-effective migration, we have the credential for you — choose between multi-tech cards, a credential accessory, or traditional prox cards.

Magnetic Stripe
The classic access control swiping technology for the enterprise looking to stay with the status quo. Concerned about the vulnerability of your AC system? Think an upgrade is too overwhelming? Ask the Secure ID Experts for help.

CREDENTIAL TYPESID Cards | Key Fobs | Adhesive Tags​

ID Cards 
Choose from plain card stock to next-generation smart card technology and, either way, receive prime card stock with a graphic-quality printable surface. We recommend the durable composite. 

Key Fobs
Hooked on access control? The size of a typical car key, key fob credentials can be easily hooked on a lanyard or reel as a convenient accessory to your enterprises’ access control system. 

Adhesive Tags
Loved as the economical solution in a migrating enterprise, adhesive tag credentials can be purchased in most technology formats and adhered to an existing card.

Need Secure IDs for your personnel but DON’T want to:​

  • Invest in the cost of labor

  • Maintain equipment and printer supplies

  • Take the time to produce your credentials in house